Hazlett Lake neighbourhood is part of a larger Master Navigation Plan (“MNP”) which includes residential, commercial, educational, recreational, and community uses which provide residents the opportunity to live, work, learn, and play in their community. The neighbourhood focuses on more intensive land uses such as multi-family residential and commercial uses near the proposed transit stops while recreational spaces have been integrated into the residential areas.

Land Use Plan

Natural areas; such as the land surrounding the Hazlett Lake water body, the existing vegetation and natural drainage network in the southwest, have been used to form the base of the neighbourhood’s open space network. Residential areas have been designed around these areas which will enhance their accessibility by all residents.

Highway Extension

Alberta Transportation is currently finalizing design plans to widen Highway 11A. This will include a roundabout entrance at Phase-1 of Hazlett Lake and an overpass at Highway 11A and Taylor Drive.

Neighbourhood Nodes

The Hazlett Lake neighbourhood has been designed to support the creation of two neighbourhood nodes: one in the west portion of the Plan Area where different multifamily uses interact with the open space network, and one in the south at the community amenity site. These neighbourhood nodes are areas where higher density residential uses interact at street level, with connections to transit and multi-use trails.


The Hazlett Lake NASP concept incorporates key features, connections, and other elements as presented in the MNP to ensure the proposed develop is able to function as one piece of the larger Multi-Neighbourhood concept. As complementary neighbourhoods, future development surrounding Hazlett Lake will provide a variety of amenities for residents such as schools, a community facility, regional trails, and commercial areas.

Commercial Use

One C2B Commercial (District Shopping Centre) area has been proposed in the southeast corner of the neighbourhood to support other commercial uses that have been proposed east of the Plan Area. This commercial area is intended to service the neighbourhood and surrounding residents and contain a variety of potential uses including restaurants, medical services, retail sales, or civic commercial recreation facility. Vehicular access to the commercial site will be via the neighbourhood’s internal roadway network as no additional accesses will be permitted off of Highway 11A.

The development of this commercial use will be based on market demand. Should a suitable purchaser for the commercial site not be found; the site may be developed for a R3 Residential (Multiple Family) District use.

City of Red Deer
Amenities Plan

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